Ridge View

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This statement explains how we hold, share and process the information you provide us when making an enquiry or booking a stay.

When you enquire or book via the Bookalet system, your information is shared with the property owner and also David Lester who is the administrator of the Bookalet booking system on behalf of owners.

Any questions relating to this statement, or a request for your personal information should be addressed to the data protection officer and sent to admin@ridgeviewkeswick.co.uk.

Why we need your data
We need to know your personal data to provide you with a response to your enquiry or to process and manage your booking and stay, and notify you of any changes to our service prior to your stay. We do not collect any personal data from you that we do not need in order to provide you with this service.

What types of data do we collect
Enquiry - “ Name, email, and telephone number
Booking request or booking - “ Number of quests, plus names of guests (on request), address of lead booker, email, telephone number, payment arrangements.

Who do we share your information with
The owner will share your basic information (which may include names, your dates of stay, and personal requirements) with their designated cleaning company.

How do we treat your information
All details that you provide to owners via Bookalet will be kept for the period of your booking and holiday. We are required under UK law to keep basic information on the lead booker, such as your name, address and contact details for a maximum of 6 years, after which time it will be destroyed. We hold your information securely and do not share this information with any third parties other than as set out in the statement. We do not hold information for marketing purposes, unless you request this service from us.

How do I find out more about information rights?
Please contact David Lester at the contact email provided in this statement. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your data you can contact us to have the matter investigated. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your data not in accordance with the law, then if you wish, you can make a complaint through The Information Commissioner’s website, which also contains further useful information and advice, www.ico.org.uk