Ridge View

Ridge View Challenge

You can't fail to notice the amazing views from Ridge View. The view over towards the Cat Bells Ridge is shown below with at least 11 Fells in view.

So, we thought it would be fun to create the Ridge View Challenge - a number of routes that take you over these fells and if you take some binoculars you can clearly see back to Keswick and the windows in Ridge View that provide the views of the fells. There are 3 great routes that take you out over the Ridge View Challenge Fells (in order of challenge - most difficult first) :

1. Robinson, Red Pike, High Stile and Haystacks Loop - 12.5 miles, 5,400ft of ascent, approx 6.5-8 hours walking
2. Causey and Grizedale Pike Loop - 9.6 miles, 3,900ft of ascent, approx 5-6 hours walking
3. Cat Bells & High Spy Loop - 8.9 miles, 2.300ft of ascent, approx 4-5 hours walking

All the routes can be followed using the free Strava app (you do not need the premium features on offer to follow routes).

Why not try and see how many of the routes you can complete during your stay in Keswick?

1. Robinson, Red Pike, High Stile and Haystacks Loop - 12.5 miles, 5,700ft of ascent, approx 6.5-8 hours walking

Link to Strava route

2. Causey and Grizedale Pike Loop - 9.6 miles, 3,900ft of ascent, approx 5-6 hours walking

Link to Strava route

3. Cat Bells & High Spy Loop - 8.9 miles, 2.300ft of ascent, approx 4-5 hours walking

Link to Strava route